- 2016
- Brand Design, Report Design, Iconography, Infographics, Copywriting, Art Direction.
Two senior lecturers at University of Ulster Belfast approached Done and Dusted Design to help take their wealth of research data and create an annual report for their Living Labs initiative.
TRAIL – Translating Research and Innovation Lab – was created to support research and innovation activities across several key research disciplines including business, information and communication technologies, occupational therapy, social care and media studies.
The Living Labs concept is embracive of public and private entities, with the strong involvement of user communities, the development of new information services, businesses, technologies and markets and importantly placing people at the very centre of service and product development and innovation.
We created a logo based around this foundation – unity and transparency, working together combining the great wealth of experience, knowledge and community spirit into an emblem that also symbolised growth.
Using the very versatile sans serif typeface Interface, we used graphics with transparency to show inclusion, cooperation and honesty. We worked with a fresh colour scheme to keep a very text-heavy report enjoyable to read, sectioning off Case Studies and testimonials as breathers through the document.
We used strong, vibrant photography showing the diversity of the people in the programmes along with bold infographics for key information. The report met with great response across industry and is still used today for teaching in University of Ulster courses.